A Beginner's Guide to Typescript: Getting Started

Are you ready to level up your development skills? Want to build web applications that are maintainable, scalable, and error-free? Look no further than Typescript!

In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through the basics of Typescript and get you started on your journey to become a Typescript master.

What is Typescript?

Typescript is a superset of Javascript that adds optional static typing, classes, and interfaces to the language. It was developed by Microsoft and released in 2012, and has since gained popularity among web developers who want to write high-quality code that's easier to maintain.

Typescript code is compiled into Javascript, which means that it can run on any platform that Javascript supports. However, Typescript offers many benefits over plain Javascript, such as:

Installing Typescript

Before you can start writing Typescript code, you need to install the Typescript compiler. You can do this using NPM, the Node.js package manager, by running the following command:

npm install -g typescript

This command installs the Typescript compiler globally on your system, which means that you can use it in any project.

Writing Typescript Code

Now that you have the Typescript compiler installed, you can start writing Typescript code! Typescript code is typically stored in .ts files, which can be compiled into Javascript using the Typescript compiler.

Let's start by writing a simple Typescript file that outputs "Hello, world!" to the console. Create a new file called hello.ts and add the following code:

console.log("Hello, world!");

Save the file and open up the terminal. Navigate to the directory where the hello.ts file is stored and run the following command:

tsc hello.ts

This command compiles the hello.ts file into hello.js, which contains the Javascript equivalent of the Typescript code. You can now run the hello.js file using Node.js by running the following command:

node hello.js

This should output "Hello, world!" to the console.

Static Typing

One of the key features of Typescript is static typing. With static typing, you can define the types of variables, function parameters, and function return values at compile-time. This allows the compiler to catch errors before runtime and make your code more reliable.

Let's create a simple example to demonstrate static typing. Create a new file called add.ts and add the following code:

function add(x: number, y: number): number {
  return x + y;

console.log(add(1, 2));

In this code, we've defined a add function that takes two parameters, x and y, both of which are of type number, and returns a value of type number. We've also used static typing to ensure that the x and y parameters are numbers and that the return value is also a number.

Compile this file using the tsc command and run the resulting add.js file using Node.js. This should output 3 to the console.

Now, let's try passing in a string instead of a number. Modify the add function call to look like this:

console.log(add(1, "2"));

Recompile the file and run it again. This time, you should see a compiler error that says "Argument of type '"2"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'".

This error occurred because we tried to pass a string into a function that expected a number. Thanks to static typing, the compiler caught the error before the code was even run.

Classes and Interfaces

Another key feature of Typescript is support for classes and interfaces. Classes allow you to define blueprints for objects, while interfaces allow you to define custom types that can be used throughout your code.

Let's create an example that demonstrates both classes and interfaces.

Create a new file called animal.ts and add the following code:

interface IAnimal {
  name: string;
  eat(food: string): void;

class Animal implements IAnimal {
  constructor(public name: string) {}

  eat(food: string) {
    console.log(`${this.name} is eating ${food}.`);

const dog = new Animal("Dog");

In this code, we've defined an IAnimal interface that has two properties: name and eat. The name property is a string that represents the animal's name, while the eat method takes a parameter of type string that represents the food that the animal is eating.

We've then defined a Animal class that implements the IAnimal interface. The Animal class has a constructor that takes a name parameter and sets the name property of the class to the value of the parameter. It also has an eat method that logs a message to the console when called.

Finally, we've created a dog object that is an instance of the Animal class and called its eat method.

Compile this file using the tsc command and run the resulting animal.js file using Node.js. This should output "Dog is eating bones." to the console.


In this beginner's guide to Typescript, we've covered the basics of Typescript and shown you how to get started with writing Typescript code. We've explored some of the key features of Typescript, such as static typing and support for classes and interfaces.

If you're looking to level up your development skills and write high-quality code that's easier to maintain, Typescript is the way to go. With its powerful features and growing popularity, Typescript is quickly becoming a must-know language for web developers.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with Typescript today and take your development skills to the next level!

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